So! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Happy Spring Equinox! [there follows the transcription, lightly edited, of an ex tempore lecture to students delivered during the Plague Years, and thus recorded for them as a video, in a playground full of Spring flowers, birdsong, and the sound of playing children, rendering the Continue Reading
A Handwritten Note Found Folded Inside an Old Book on Yule
Christopher Strath-Gordon “As the Solstice Moon doth progress (sacred the Holly and the Flame) this b’ye month of assignation; let the Magician offer his Most Cunning and Secret Libation under cover of darkness such that no man’s eye shall see. Let the Force and aspiration persevere so that his Circle Continue Reading
HYPNAGOGIA Mark Devlin <> mer. 6 janv. 2021 15:22 À xxxxxxxxxxxx I just had the strangest experience. I was working on a translation, correcting it for XXXXXX. It’s a translation into English of a 1930s French Guide to Beauty. She had warned me that it was precious and over the top, and full Continue Reading
Desert Tales; Part I: Estrella, amor meu
“If AH TSA – the very bright star – appears, then, if you work with steadfastness and carefulness of mind, there will be a good result.” I repeat the reading in my head, looking over the dice laying in the box before me. Its impossible not to feel a sort of Continue Reading
Stumbling to her door again in the dripping, rustling emptiness of the narrow street at three in the morning, knocking loud three times then trailing off in stutters of soft rappings as if to apologise for the intrusion, hoping she is asleep or not there, or that I will find Continue Reading
An Open Letter to Santa
Dear Santa, You don’t know me. I know, you have your list, you check it twice, but I’ve spent years fighting against the surveillance state in it’s multitude of forms. Hidden cameras, microphones, astral projection, ESP, spiritual voyeurs, all of these have been noted and combated by my efforts over Continue Reading
Cosmic Bull
December 26, 1998 – Albuquerque, NM, the airport Another holiday and another day in an airport. Waiting. Half of my life before and after I started my job has been a game of waiting and seeing what happens next. So I wait. I’m waiting for a Connector flight to D.C. Continue Reading
A Holiday Invitation
I received the summons on the twenty-first of December. “Summons” however, is not the right word. “Invitation,” in keeping with the holiday time of year, might be a better term. More accurately, it amounted to a conviction compounded of intuition and compulsion, a sort of calling, with all the Continue Reading
12/23/21 It has been four days of sitting in foreign houses, looking out the window of my phone screen in awkward conversation. Alcohol has been fairly constant, nicotine from vape sticks, the occasional bit of weed from my father and my brother’s partner. My work phone has gone off daily, Continue Reading
I Sold My Soul To Santa
December 25, 1995 St. Louis Airport, afternoon, stuck since 7 AM in a snowstorm. Christmas is the most difficult day of the year. For me it is, other than my birthday. I’m sure it is for many other people too. From what you see everywhere, people are rushing around to Continue Reading