We had come to the Lost Domain, leaving as the last of the night leaked from the sky under the last wedge of the Waning Moon. I carried with me a glyph of Will-Working, charged in an intense ceremony in which the Dark One-Eyed Wanderer stood before me, covered me Continue Reading
There is a sickness, and there is a gift. There is a power to heal, and there is a hurt that never heals, a wound that never knits closed; are they one and the same? Among many traditional shamanistic cultures, there is an idea of the “shaman sickness”, a preparatory Continue Reading
Credo : Rage and Love – Plan for Utopia, Act for Apocalypse
Ace of Swords – Eight of Wands Reversed – Queen of Swords Reversed : Our Lady of Pain, Obstacles Foreseen, Sword in the Hand So. I’ve been doing some pretty demanding soul-searching on the question of what to call myself, how to identify, spiritually and philosophically. Someone started discussing the Continue Reading