The concept of a Patron Deity is more or less a modern one, and suits contemporary Paganism because the relationship tends to be an individual, solitary, private dynamic rather than a community-based public practice. It is not without precedent though. I tend to look to the Medieval Irish culture of Continue Reading
There is an omnipresent temptation to claim that everything is magic, to believe that everything is a spell being woven by the world, reality itself a net to ensorcell the mind and enchant our steps. There may be some truth to this. There is also an inconvenient reality that ruins Continue Reading
“I came here to kick ass and banish snakes… And I don’t see no snakes…” : Snakes on a ‘splain – the Real History of Saint Patrick and His Day
So! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Happy Spring Equinox! [there follows the transcription, lightly edited, of an ex tempore lecture to students delivered during the Plague Years, and thus recorded for them as a video, in a playground full of Spring flowers, birdsong, and the sound of playing children, rendering the Continue Reading
The Passion of Ceridwen – A Vision
I saw proud Ceridwen, great Queen and Goddess, Long blond curling hair and pale skin, a red dress, Alone in the fort on the lake, an evening of storm and silvery light. Her Lord rode hard to hounds and shouted, far away, Full of the joy of freedom and male Continue Reading
A Deed Without A Name
Leabhar Draíocht – The Grimoire Diagrammaton
These are the collected Diagrammaton of the Hollow Collective, from 2000-2012. There are others, of course, and in due course, as we excavate the archives of the Hidden Library, they will be added au fur et à mesure. Venus in Furs, Mars to Measure. DIAGRAMMATON : appeared as one of Continue Reading
We had come to the Lost Domain, leaving as the last of the night leaked from the sky under the last wedge of the Waning Moon. I carried with me a glyph of Will-Working, charged in an intense ceremony in which the Dark One-Eyed Wanderer stood before me, covered me Continue Reading
There is a sickness, and there is a gift. There is a power to heal, and there is a hurt that never heals, a wound that never knits closed; are they one and the same? Among many traditional shamanistic cultures, there is an idea of the “shaman sickness”, a preparatory Continue Reading
Credo : Rage and Love – Plan for Utopia, Act for Apocalypse
Ace of Swords – Eight of Wands Reversed – Queen of Swords Reversed : Our Lady of Pain, Obstacles Foreseen, Sword in the Hand So. I’ve been doing some pretty demanding soul-searching on the question of what to call myself, how to identify, spiritually and philosophically. Someone started discussing the Continue Reading
Leabhar Draiocht – The Grimoire
PARIS 11 July 1972 In the beginning was the WORD … That’s all there is to know about magic, all there is to know about most things really. On the very off-chance that anyone else ever reads this book, this book of magic and strange experiments, writings, dreams and diagrams, Continue Reading