These are the collected Diagrammaton of the Hollow Collective, from 2000-2012. There are others, of course, and in due course, as we excavate the archives of the Hidden Library, they will be added au fur et à mesure. Venus in Furs, Mars to Measure.
DIAGRAMMATON : appeared as one of the New Ogham-Sigils to Malachas Ivernus in a Working of 6/8/2020. It is notable that this is a term beginning, unknown to Ivernus, to gain currency in online occult circles.
Notably, Reddit User CryptidPhylactery, who appears to be a rogue conspiracy theorist and self-declared “Secret Agent” and Initiate of the Temple of Set has been working in this direction. Their posts have all been removed from Reddit, but one can still find them, if one knows how to look. Of course, anyone claiming to be an Occult Secret Agent must be subjected to Occam’s Razor: either they’re delusional (least amount of assumptions, most elegant in terms of its simplicity), they’re lying/trolling (possibly even more simple and elegant, though it does appear to pose several follow-up questions: qui bono? What is the aim of this, if there is any beyond simple amusement?), or, finally, that they are telling the Truth (elegant, in that it is the most coherent, but it requires multiple preliminary assumptions about the reality status of Occult Conspiracy Statecraft, Secret History, the Temple of Set’s status as an initiatory order which has “actual” occult power … &co.).
Magister Ivernus, presumably, was merely using the Ancient Greek word διαγραμμάτων, or DIAGRAMMATON.
It seems to us, here at the Hollow Collective, that this is a clear and elegant word for the graphic and spatial plotting of Tables of Correspondence, which is exactly what we propose to share here.
Much of this work was begun in the 1970s by Magister Ivernus, on his first sojourn in Paris; at the time, he was a novice Society of Jesus Catholic Priest, studying for a Doctorate in Philosophy, Philology, and Classics at the Sorbonne, and resident at the Collège des Irlandais in the Latin Quarter. At the time, of course, he was known by his Given Name, and had not yet taken the Orders of which we know him to be the recipient. His Great Work was ahead of him. However, falling into the company of Scots-Irish writer-poet Martin Caulder, polymath and littérateur Antoine Mercier, post-structuralist antinomian thinker Michel Foucault, Satanist film director Michel Lemoine, cult visionary Alejandro Jodorwosky, and others, Ivernus, as they say, vede la Luce, and saw that Terrible Light from Beyond. This inner circle held regular meetings at the Auberge Nicolas Flamel, and at the zinc café counter in the legendary Passage Jouffroy.
Without further ado then, we present to you the following πίνακες του νόμου, in the hop that they will prove useful to you in your Seeking. Lest we need to remind you, these are neither the original nor the operative versons of the Ivernus Grimoire Material; one cannot simply copy the Workings of another Magickal Operator ; one must appropriate for oneself, adapt, invent, mediate, catalyse, and re-member one’s own Grimoire Workings with reference to Hippolyte Taine’s formula : “milieu, race, moment“, where we are clear to differentiate and nuance his rather 19th century racialist notion of “race”, with the rather more appropriate concept of “group allegiances and alignments”, whether these be genetic and ethnic, cultural, societal, national, geographical and ecosystemic, or even by symbolic and soul-motivated identification and affinities, whether elective or revealed.
Based on the notes and Working Books of :
Anton Merrill, Buachaill Bán, Wild Card, Kenning ont e theos,
Fire Lion-Dragon Apocapyptic Antinomian
Ecstatic Shaman Visionary
Compiled and annotated by :
Thomas Mulholland, MA, PhD
Aesthete, Semiologist, Decadent
Maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris – Nouvelle Athènes
Malachas Ivernus
Magus. Hierophant. Mystagogue. Simulacrum.
Professor Emeritus at Université de Paris-Nouvelle Athènes