Arcane and Poetic Ritual, Enchantment, and Visionary Workings (live, or en différé, with detailed mythopoetic write-up and photographs/recordings, or both).
All Ritual & Spellwork is strictly confidential, and is tailored specifically to the Client’s request, circumstances, and sensibilties. All such work is to be considered Artistic Performance & Production, and for entertainment purposes only.
An initial contact or live consultation may be necessary to assess the request and specifications of the client.
Possibilities include : Guided Meditation & Visionary Work. A Ritual Request. A Petition or Plea. Talismans & Sigils.
Averting & Anointing, Banishment & Blasting, Cursing & Casting Out, Defixiones & Dark Arts, Enchantment & Evocation, Fatecraft & Faerycraft, Grimoires & Ghost Work, Hollow-Paths & Hidden Arts, Imaginal Arts & Invocation, & many others.